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The Director - Andrew Muyingo

The Director – Andrew Muyingo

Basing on the vulnerability of children and women, the insufficient funds to meet spiritual, sheltering, feeding, health, education, social economical welfare to Children and women house holds, Samaritans For Children was started to help the most vulnerable and marginalized children with women so that they can attain quality spiritual life and social economical welfare for their house holds. The director (Muyingo Andrew) having struggled in life as a needy child and worked in various children service organisations, he was inspired to start Samaritans For Children in 2014 to help the most vulnerable children and women in Mityana District- Uganda. We started with taking care of 12 children and the organisation is currently taking care of over 40 orphans and vulnerable children and two women groups in communities of Mityana District – Uganda. The organisation helps the orphans and vulnerable children and women with spiritual support, sheltering, feeding, health, education, social economic welfare, though our call for more funding due the high vulnerability of children and women in Mityana District still has a high funding gap. Thus we call upon various friends, well wishers, volunteers, NGOs and donors to join hands with Samaritans for Children to provide services to the beneficiaries in Mityana District-Uganda.

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Who we are

Samaritans For Children, Mityana, Uganda is a community based Non-denomination
Christian organisation but base on the bible as our pillar towards salvation and base on
the concepts of the Lord, son of God in
provision of our services inclined to physical, spiritual, emotional and mental support for a holistic responsible future young generation and organised Christian families.

Contact us
Samaritans For Children, Mityana, Uganda

P.O. Box 449

T. +256 772 838 101