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Proverbs 22:6

Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (NIV)

As parents, it’s important we start our children off on a good foot. If we start them off trusting God and following His Word, as they get older, they will continue trusting God and following His Word.

As parents, we all hope our children will grow up knowing and loving the Lord. Many of us view it as the most important aspect of parenting.

However, a lot of us are also do not know how to do it! It’s tempting to depend on a local church to assist us teach our children about God

Knowledge comes in readily when you teach your child about anything else—why wouldn’t it when you teach your child about God? One of the most overlooked tasks of a parent is that of teaching children scripture on a daily basis.

Embracing Scripture in the home is more than just reading God’s Word, though. It also means to live out a life that shows the Scriptures in daily action.

Joshua 1:8

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (NIV)

  • Remembering to thank God before meals shows how God has asked us to be grateful for what He has given us.
  • Speaking to children kindly shows them the kindness of God. As parents, we are the first face of God our children see—and it’s important that the face we show them is an accurate representation of the God we serve. We can do this by focusing on the Scriptures and living them out daily.
  • Aim to teach them the Scriptures by having them up in our homes, memorizing Scriptures as a family, playing games with children that help them remember, and by using them as we parent daily.We want our children to be armed with the Scriptures so that they can go out into the world as people who love and serve God. For instance, when a child is talking out of turn, you could use the scripture to remind them that “there is a time to be silent and a time to speak!” In this way, you will help parent your child by using God’s Word.
  • God never meant us to parent alone, but in community. We are meant to take our children to church and to surround them with others who will help them know Him, as well. We can view the Scriptures as a member of our community, a family member whom we love and communicate with daily.